Bruce Oscar
Production Specialist
Host of: Swing Shift, 'DCB Jazz

Bruce Oscar hosts the afternoon shift of "All Things Jazz", Monday through Friday from 2 to 6 p.m. on 90.9fm WDCB, as well as "Swing Shift", his own tribute to the WWII swing band era.
One of the most often-asked questions to WDCB is... "What is that 'Friday Song' that Bruce Oscar plays every Friday at 2 p.m.?" The song is "Hymn to Friday," sung by the late Oscar Brown Jr. from Chicago. He was an actor, singer, songwriter, playwright, and activist! "Hymn to Friday" is from the album Between Heaven and Hell (originally released in April 1962). It was recently reisssued on CD as an import.
Here's some information about the original album Between Heaven and Hell (from
And here's some info about Oscar Brown Jr. (from Wikipedia):