The Arts Section 06/07/15
June 7th, 2015
On this edition of the Arts Section, host Gary Zidek shines a light on Iron Heart Chicago, a new music festival that will be held at "L' stations across the city. WDCB’s Brian O’Keefe tells us about a new Grateful Dead book. We’ll revisit a conversation Gary had with comedian Mike Birbiglia. WDCB music director Paul Abella talks to saxophonist/bandleader Shawn Maxwell. Plus, the Dueling Critics will review Goodman Theatre’s newest production.
For more information about Iron Heart Chicago, click here.
WDCB's Paul Abella talked to Chicago jazz musician/composer/bandleader Shawn Maxwell about his latest project.
For more info, click here to visit Shawn Maxwell's website.
The authors of a new Grateful Dead book were in the area recently. WDCB's Brian O'Keefe has more.
The Dueling Critics joined Gary to discuss Goodman Theatre's production of "Stop.Reset".
For more info, click here.